Saturday, August 4, 2012

Lemme hug you Istanbul....

Istanbul! Aaaaaaaak.... Kira-kira gitu ekspresi hari ini kalo denger kata Istanbul. Dulu sih biasa aja, cuman tau Istanbul-Turki. Beres. Semuanya berubah waktu punya instagram... Iya, socmed yang berbasis photo sharing ini ternyata cukup sukses jadi iklan pariwisata. Terbukti salah satunya bisa bikin gue pengen ke Istanbul. Ceritanya waktu gak sengaja nemu acc instagram yang isinya Istanbul semua. Yaaaa 60% likes gue di Instagram ya Istanbul, 38% One Direction, 1% Online Shop, 1% nya lagi cool photography aha. Lanjuttt... Sebenernya banyak sih yqng post Istanbul tapi kayanya udah suka aja sama selera tone dan angle nya @audiosoup. Nih beberapa screen capture nya:

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Melted Crayon Art

It was a fresh air caaause it's summer! Yay! But nothing to do, so i ask aaaand here I am found it! You might saw it on Tumblr, Pinterest, Weheartit, and etc. Now just see the examples and do! Wohoooo...

- You'll need:

 1. Canvas
 2. Crayons
 3. Glue
 4. Hair dryer
 5. Creativity

- Steps:
 Simply glue crayon on your canvas, use your creativity and make it melt with hair dryer!


Go go go! Its fun! Do this with children they will be happy ;)


Umm..yup! Hi! Hellooo.... I'm just decided to write a blog. Let's see what can i do hihi, all this things is new for me :p Hope you like it!